速報APP / 運動 / Chant Unite

Chant Unite



檔案大小:14.9 MB


版本需求:系統需求:iOS 12.0 或以後版本。相容裝置:iPhone、iPad、iPod touch。


Chant Unite(圖1)-速報App

Chant Unite is not affiliated by any Clubs or Cities on Chant Unite.

Chant Unite in­stant­ly con­nects and en­gages fans Worldwide. Sim­ply open up Chant Unite, se­lect your team, and you will see the lyrics and a count­down timer to any up­com­ing chants (queued by par­tic­i­pat­ing teams or fan clubs). When the count­down timer hits 00:00, the crowd goes wild! You can sing your favorite sport­ing chants with everyone, to help mo­ti­vate your team and fright­en the op­po­si­tion.

I don’t know the words to the chants!

Use Chant Unite’s ‘chant data­base’ be­fore games to ac­cess par­tic­i­pat­ing teams’ chant lyrics. Mem­o­rise them in your own time so that you can sing your heart out at the game. Use the ‘live feed’ tab dur­ing games to see the lyrics to any up­com­ing chants in real-time. You’ll nev­er miss a beat!

Chant Unite(圖2)-速報App

I al­ready know the words to all of my team’s chants!

Don’t wor­ry, your phone won’t in­ter­fere with your game view­ing. Chant Unite sends out no­ti­fi­ca­tions that lets you know what chant is com­ing up next and when it will start so that you can chant with every­one else with­out ever un­lock­ing your phone.

I missed out on tick­ets or was un­able to make it to the game!

Open up Chant Unite from out­side of the sta­di­um, fol­low the live count­down timer and sing at the same time as fans with­in the sta­di­um. With Chant Unite, you can cre­ate and repli­cate the game-day at­mosphere, no mat­ter where you are!

Chant Unite(圖3)-速報App

My favorite team’s game isn’t on here!

Chant Unite’s live count­down timer fea­ture is only avail­able to par­tic­i­pat­ing teams and fan clubs. If you’re in­ter­est­ed in bring­ing Chant Unite to your team, get in con­tact with us to­day by fol­low­ing the prompts on our web­site.

Chant Unite(圖4)-速報App